/proc File System to Monitor Your Linux System

How to Use /proc File System to Monitor Your Linux System

Proc File System to Monitor Your Linux System – Introduction

In Linux, the /proc file system is a virtual file system that offers comprehensive details on the hardware, processes, and other runtime data of the system. Processes can read and write data about themselves and other processes on this dynamically constructed file system, which only resides in memory.

The virtual file system (VFS) in Linux is an overlay layer that provides a common interface for interfacing with different file systems. It offers a mechanism for many file systems to coexist on the same system without needing application developers to concern themselves with the particulars of each file system.

Usage of Proc

Use the mount command and the proc search to locate the location of the /proc file system. You can see that the proc directory is mounted here.

$ mount | grep proc

the proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)

systemd-1 on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type autofs (rw,relatime,fd=26,pgrp=1,timeout=0,minproto=5,maxproto=5,direct,pipe_ino=9506)

nfsd on /proc/fs/nfsd type nfsd (rw,relatime)

binfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw,relatime)


Moving to the /proc directory will reveal numerous folders with numbers in them; these numbers are just the process IDs (PIDs) for the processes that are now operating; the files with names are system-wide, generic files that are not tied to any specific process; and finally, there will be multiple files with names in the /proc directory:

$ cd /proc/

$ pwd


$ ls

1      157    22827  33    3413  3618  384   4709  512   5571  66    741   798   88         consoles     keys          scsi

10     15868  23     3340  3414  362   385   4768  513   5581  6723  742   799   880        cpuinfo      key-users     self

101    15900  23323  3341  3415  3622  39    4769  514   56    68    7466  8     891        crypto       kmsg          slabinfo

1033   16     23370  3342  346   363   392   4770  515   5637  69    747   80    9          devices      kpagecount    softirqs

104    17     23380  3343  3467  364   394   48    516   5652  7     75    800   906        diskstats    kpageflags    stat

10416  17580  23383  3344  347   365   4     4804  517   57    70    76    8367  928        dma          loadavg       swaps

105    18     23469  3346  349   37    40    4805  518   58    7071  77    839   96         driver       locks         sys

106    19     23491  3365  35    374   4094  4807  519   59    71    78    840   98         execdomains  mdstat        sysrq-trigger

107    2      23524  3366  351   375   4096  482   52    6     7199  783   842   9838       fb           meminfo       sysvipc

11     20767  23527  3392  352   376   41    483   53    601   72    784   8446  99         filesystems  misc          timer_list

11412  21     24     3397  3523  377   4180  49    5347  61    73    785   85    993        fs           modules       timer_stats

12     21014  26     3398  358   378   42    494   5348  62    735   786   86    994        interrupts   mounts        tty

120    21035  27     34    359   379   428   495   54    624   736   79    869   9970       iomem        mtrr          uptime

1263   21059  28     3408  36    38    43    508   5421  625   737   793   87    acpi       ioports      net           version

1265   21083  29     3409  360   380   44    509   5463  63    738   794   870   buddyinfo  ipmi         pagetypeinfo  vmallocinfo

1272   22     30     3410  3602  381   45    51    5464  636   739   795   874   bus        irq          partitions    vmstat

13     22055  31     3411  3603  382   46    510   5500  64    74    796   878   cgroups    kallsyms     sched_debug   zoneinfo

14     22074  32     3412  361   383   47    511   5519  65    740   797   879   cmdline    kcore        schedstat


Start by taking a look at some generic system files. The /proc/cpuinfo command, for instance, provides information on the system’s CPU, such as its make, model, number of cores, speed, CPU flags, etc.

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo

Similar information is available via /proc/meminfo on the system’s RAM or main memory. Additional statistics are also provided, such as the amount of free and utilized memory:

$ cat /proc/meminfo

Check the /proc/modules file to see all the loaded kernel modules:

$ cat /proc/modules

Look at /proc/filesystems to view all of the filesystems that are supported by your system:

$ cat /proc/filesystems

Look at the per-process files after that. Take systemd, for instance, which has a PID of 1:

$ ps aux | grep -i systemd | head -1

root         1  0.0  0.0 195976  9088 ?        Ss   Mar03   0:06 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize 22


Check out what is in /proc’s directory 1 by moving there. There are several files here, and their names kind of explain themselves:

$ cd /proc/1

$ pwd



$ ls

attr        cmdline          environ  io         mem         ns             pagemap      sched      stack    task

autogroup   comm             exe      limits     mountinfo   numa_maps      patch_state  schedstat  stat     timers

auxv        coredump_filter  fd       loginuid   mounts      oom_adj        personality  sessionid  statm    uid_map

cgroup      cpuset           fdinfo   map_files  mountstats  oom_score      projid_map   setgroups  status   wchan

clear_refs  cwd              gid_map  maps       net         oom_score_adj  root         smaps      syscall


Choose the current shell ID to see if these files are available for each of the processes. Run an echo to obtain that information. A unique variable called $$. $$ stores the PID of the current shell.

Cd into the directory at /proc that matches the PID’s number. The files resemble those for PID 1 o/r systemd nearly exactly:

$ echo $$



$ cd /proc/21059

$ pwd



$ ls

attr        cmdline          environ  io         mem         ns             pagemap      sched      stack    task

autogroup   comm             exe      limits     mountinfo   numa_maps      patch_state  schedstat  stat     timers

auxv        coredump_filter  fd       loginuid   mounts      oom_adj        personality  sessionid  statm    uid_map

cgroup      cpuset           fdinfo   map_files  mountstats  oom_score      projid_map   setgroups  status   wchan

clear_refs  cwd              gid_map  maps       net         oom_score_adj  root         smaps      syscall


Run a lengthy process to see what these files contain. Use the tty command to determine which terminal is currently open. then enter after typing the cat command. Before executing, this command will wait for your input:

$ tty



$ cat

Find the PID of a cat on a different terminal by using the pgrep command:

$ pgrep cat



Examine cmdline, the very first per-process file, now. This document displays the command line’s execution, including any options that are utilized, etc.

$ cat /proc/24335/cmdline


Examining the directory called cwd, which serves as a type of symbolic link (symlink) to the directory where the cat command was used in this case, which is /root, is the next step:

$ ls -l  /proc/24335/cwd

lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 0 Mar  4 03:35 /proc/24335/cwd -> /root


When a binary is run, a process is launched, and by default, a few files are opened. It typically opens three standard ports: stdin, stdout, and stderr for standard input and output, respectively. You can see that it gives three symbolic links, all of which refer to the terminal (pts2) that was used to run the command, when you list the fd directory under /proc/ and then the PID:

$ ls -l  /proc/24335/fd/

total 0

lrwx——. 1 root root 64 Mar  4 03:35 0 -> /dev/pts/2

lrwx——. 1 root root 64 Mar  4 03:35 1 -> /dev/pts/2

lrwx------. 1 root root 64 Mar  4 03:35 2 -> /dev/pts/2


Exe, a symlink referring to the exact location of the program that was executed, is another significant file. It is the cat command’s route in this instance:

$ ls -l /proc/24335/exe

lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 0 Mar  4 03:35 /proc/24335/exe -> /usr/bin/cat


Similar to this, you can inspect every environment variable set for the cat process by cat’ing the environ per-process file:

$ cat /proc/24335/environ

Use the following command to view the status of the process with PID 31154.

ls -ltr /proc/31154/status

To View the memory usage of the process with PID 1628, we can use the following command.

ls -ltr /proc/1628/statm

By reading the contents of the /proc/meminfo file, we may inspect the system memory. The command below can be used.

cat /proc/meminfo

Final Thoughts

System administrators who desire an easy, non-command method of accessing raw system information can find a wealth of useful data in the /proc directory. There are alternative ways to display the data in /proc, as I previously said.

Additionally, you wouldn’t want to use all of the information in /proc for system evaluation. Instead of reading one of the various /proc files, utilize tools like vmstat or iostat to acquire a better understanding of system performance.

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